According to an analysis by researchers at the University of Oklahoma, most health concerned organic shoppers believe glass packaging keeps the true flavor, taste and purity of a food product.
Glass continued to be the first choice of the organic shopper by significant margins in five key areas. Glass packaging for organic foods got high marks for: maintaining true flavor/taste, purity, healthiest, maintaining quality, preserving shelf life
When it came to which packaging was best for the environment, glass was also the primary choice. Researchers report a trend towards glass packaging as the first choice of consumers who say they care about the environment and their individual and family health.
Survey comparisons show a growing trend of younger consumers expressing even more of an interest in organic foods when compared to the total population of shoppers. The survey found 57.8% of shoppers, ages 18 to 34, purchased organic food, while 38% of shoppers, ages 55 and older, purchased organic foods sometime during the year.
The survey was conducted by the University of Oklahoma. The Glass Packaging Institute, an industry advocacy group supporting Glass packaging highlighted the results of the survey on its website.